Do your eyes become watery or teary more often? Do your eyes feel like they have something in them, causing a gritty, discomforting feeling? If so, then you might be experiencing symptoms of dry eyes.
Dry eyes are a widespread eye condition that affects people of all ages. We offer comprehensive strategies and treatments to help mitigate your symptoms and get you back to enjoying your day to the fullest.
Please, book your appointment today so we can help you get the relief you deserve.
Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry eyes are a chronic and progressive condition that occurs when your tear film, or any of it’s ingredients, becomes unstable or inadequate. This can lead to discomfort, inflammation, and potentially, corneal damage.
3 different ingredients (layers) make up your tear film: mucin, water, and lipids (oil). If these ingredients are lacking in any way, you may experience dry eye symptoms. Each of the tear film components has a different responsibility:
- Mucin helps ensure that your tear film spreads evenly over the surface of your eyes so that your eyes can stay comfortable and lubricated. It helps keep your other tear ingredients on your ocular surface.
- Water is the ingredient that helps wash away any particles or debris that may be on your ocular surface. The water layer is in between the mucin and lipid layers.
- Lipids, or oils, help seal in the water layer, making sure it does not evaporate too quickly.
Some of the most common causes of dry eyes include:
- Aging.
- Blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), or Demodex infestations.
- Infrequent blinking.
- Allergies.
- Improperly fitted contact lenses.
- Laser eye surgery.
- Autoimmune disorders and medications.
Some of the most common symptoms of dry eyes include:
- A stinging, burning, or scratchy feeling.
- A gritty feeling like something is in your eyes.
- Eye redness.
- Overly watery, teary eyes.
- Stringy mucus in your eyes.
- Blurry or double vision.
- Eye fatigue.
- Light sensitivity.
- Difficulty seeing to drive at night.
- Difficulty wearing contact lenses
- Difficulty focusing or paying attention to anything other than your ocular discomfort.
Schirmer’s Test
A Schirmer’s test is a simple and easy way for your eye doctor to determine the quality of your tear film. Your doctor performs this test by placing a very thin piece of filter paper between your eye and lower eyelid.
After about 5 minutes, the paper is removed and assessed by your eye doctor. The severity of your dry eyes can be determined by how dry the test strip is.
Fluorescein Strips
Fluorescein strips can help your eye doctor determine if you have suffered any corneal damage due to dry eyes. Your eye doctor will wet the strip with a saline solution before applying it to your conjunctiva.
Once the solution spreads over the surface of the eye, your eye doctor can use a blue light to detect any damage to your cornea.

Artificial Tears
One of the most common ways to treat dry eyes is through the use of artificial tears, or eye drops. We offer Oasis TEARS to help treat patients with mild to moderate dry eye symptoms.
If you suffer from dry eyes, please book an appointment with us so we can help you get the relief you crave and get back to living your life.